Ice and Snow Climbing + Hiking in the Drakensberg


TROPICAL ICE! Ice Climbing destinations in Africa

The southern Drakensberg has several long waterfall ice routes and snow gullies, ranging in grade from WI 2 to WI 6.

Ice forms every year and is usually climbable from mid June till mid August. If wanting to climb a snow gully only, no prior roped climbing experience is necessary. Equipment is available for hire.

Click here for ice climbing Routes, grading system and maps.

For more info on winter climbing destinations in the Drakensberg, please visit our website or contact me on:

Gavin Raubenheimer

Gavin is the owner & operator of Peak High Mountaineering. He is a certified Mountaineering Instructor (M.I.A.) endorsed by the Mountain Development Trust of SA. He is a NQF National Mountaineering (level 7), Cultural and Nature Guide (level 4). Gavin is a past President of the KwaZulu-Natal Section of the Mountain Club of SA. He has been involved in mountain rescue since 1992 and since 2005 has been the Convener of Mountain Rescue in the province. Want Gavin and his team at Peak High to guide you on a hike? Put yourself in the hands of the certified and experienced experts in mountain hiking, guiding and climbing. See Gavin's Google + profile