Mountain Terminology


Leeward side and windward side- This refers to the different slopes of a mountain side and the prevailing wind direction. The Windward side is the side that faces the wind and the lee-side the opposite slope which is more sheltered.

Leeward and windward sides

Rivers- true right and true left- the sides or banks of streams and rivers are described as if looking in the direction of the flow.

True left and true right of a river

Cairn- a small pile of rocks or stones, which mark significant points such as the summit of a hill. When placed at intervals they can be used as route markers on a mountain.

A cairn

Arête- a sharp and usually steep ridge on a mountain. Usually made of rock but can also be of ice or snow. It can also be a small short sharp ridge in a rock climbing pitch.


Scree- areas of a small stones or gravel usually below major cliffs, caused by frosting action in rock.

Boulder field- larger rocks found in areas below cliffs and sometimes in river beds.

Shoulder- a flat area on a ridge of mountain.

Headwall- a mountain face of rock near or leading to the summit.

Gendarme- a pinnacle of rock standing on a sharp ridge of mountain.

Col, Saddle or Nek– a gap in a ridge below two points of mountain, (The word “Nek” is a South African term).

Gully- a narrow hollow area in a mountain.

Couloir- a snow or ice filled gully. French meaning for “passage”.

Aiguille- a large, sharp peak. French meaning for “needle”.

Tarn– A small pond or lake either situated on a ridge or beside a glacierT

Gavin Raubenheimer

Gavin is the owner & operator of Peak High Mountaineering. He is a certified Mountaineering Instructor (M.I.A.) endorsed by the Mountain Development Trust of SA. He is a NQF National Mountaineering (level 7), Cultural and Nature Guide (level 4). Gavin is a past President of the KwaZulu-Natal Section of the Mountain Club of SA. He has been involved in mountain rescue since 1992 and since 2005 has been the Convener of Mountain Rescue in the province. Want Gavin and his team at Peak High to guide you on a hike? Put yourself in the hands of the certified and experienced experts in mountain hiking, guiding and climbing. See Gavin's Google + profile