Additional Courses:

Advanced Tree Climbing Safety Course:
This course is used as an add on to the Spikes/Ladders or Tree-bicycle course. It shows additional methods of ascending trees such as jummaring, prusiking and asbeiling.
Full Course: 2 days R3200/pp. Annual Refresher Course R1500/pp

Arboriculture Safety Course:
This is a 2 day course in the skills and safety of tree climbing for the purpose of pruning, tree surgery, seed or flower collections and felling.

The course teaches:
– How to ascend into and up large ornamental trees.
– Ascending with mechanical ascenders
– Ascending with prusik loops
– Descending methods
– Branch walking
– Self belaying
-Work positioning

Note that the skills and safety of chainsaws is not demonstrated on this course

Full course: R6400/pp

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